Video art, animations, and interactive art on the blockchain. Own a unique piece!
Watchfaces and apps for Wear OS smartwatches, including:
Döömläüt - Oakland math metal
Dissembler - Santa Cruz flamenco metal
odbol soundcloud - personal electronic explorations
A multiplayer interactive music video. Featuring a synthwave cover of The Smashing Pumpkins.
I am The New Artist.
I paint with switches and resistors, capacitors and transistors.
Instead of mixing pigments I combine electrons.
My paintings do not have color or form,
but rather signal and function.
Instead of instilling emotions in the viewer,
I make the viewer instill digits into memory
To add purpose to arbitrary bits crashing into each other.
odbol is an artist looking to disturb the traditional creative divide between audience and artist. His artistic tendrils reach far and wrap around many disciplines such as video installations, web design, game design, Flash animation, photography, music, and poetry.